With our hospitable weather, protected waters, and position directly in a major migration path, Los Angeles is one of the world’s top destinations for whale watching. So where do you go for the best whale watching Los Angeles tourists can hope for? And what can you realistically expect to see? Today, we’ll take a closer look at the whale watching tours of the Greater Los Angeles area. Trust us; at least one trip into the Pacific should be on your bucket list! The Thriving Ecosystem Off SoCal Coasts Photo credit: Envato One of the reasons that the Greater Los Angeles area stands out as a hotspot for whale watching tours is the vast proliferation of sea life you can see on an affordable three-hour outing. Here are just a few of the creatures that pass through the welcoming waters off LA’s coast: Blue whales Bottlenose dolphins Common dolphins Finback whales Gray whales Humpback whales Minke whales Orcas (killer whales) Pacific white-sided dolphi...