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Showing posts from May, 2024

10 Crazy Conspiracy Theories That Could Only Happen in LA

  Los Angeles can be weird. Often it’s an endearing quality. Other times, not so much. It’s no wonder this city has conjured its own collection of crazy conspiracy theories specific to our locale. Sometimes, they even pop up in this blog, like the time we discussed the legend of Devil’s Gate Dam being a portal to hell. Yeah, that happened. But today, we have 10 LA-centric conspiracy theories we’ve never talked about before. Some are clearly lunacy. After all, LA is a crazy city, so our myths, legends, and lore need to keep pace with our daily lives. Others… well, they might have something to them.  Traffic Tribulations Photo credit: 4X4 Blazer 1776 It seems that the global pandemic changed everything… especially how frequently people say “The pandemic changed everything.” But much of the world has had time to slip back into the old routines. Just ask any Angeleno stuck in the city’s legendary rush “hour” (which is actually about 13 hours long). As more commuter